It has so many THREADS!!!???? How do I thread it? How does it work?
Is your overlock still in the box? Have you used it a few times then had to stop once a thread broke? Have you never touched an overlock machine before because of fear or intimidation (or both)? Then this is the class for you. We will take the fear out of the equation and introduce you to a machine that can be your best friend. Or if you know the machine, but just want to refresh the fundamentals, this class will get you going in just one 3 hour session. Starting with how to thread the machine. Where do they go?! Then onto understanding care and learning valuable techniques. Finishing off the class with a small project!
We will go over some of the most common challenges you encounter when using an overlock and how to trouble shoot them. Making sure that frustration doesn’t get in the way of using your machine.
*It is recommended you bring your machine but a limited number of machines are available to learn on.
Class time: 1 session, 3 hours
Maximum class size: 4 people
Supplies needed: None (everything included)
Prerequisites: none
Fee: $30.00