You will be learning to block a fur felt hood to create a modern fedora style hat using one of our crown hat blocks. While your fur felt is drying, we will create your brim without a brim block, learning how to swirl a head size ribbon, insert your head size ribbon into a brim by machine and hand, and hand wire the outer edge. We will add the crease and front dents before you leave on the first day. The second day we will remove your hat from its block, decide on the finish for your hat’s edge and be shown several ways to finish this edge including a fabric bias and a hand sewn millinery grosgrain binding. Several ways to trim this hat will also be shown. You should have a hat all ready for your own trimming by the end of this two day class. We will be using the book by Sarah Lomax & Rachel Skinner, “Millinery, The Art of Hat Making” as our inspiration.
Class time: 2 sessions, 12 hours including a daily lunch break. It is suggested you either bring a sack lunch or visit one of the many wonderful restaurants within walking distance.
Maximum class size: 12 people
Supplies needed: Basic sewing kit with shears, pins, seam ripper, hand sewing needle, thimble, and measuring tape. All other materials provided for one fur felt hat.
Prerequisites: hand sewing
Fee: $150.00