Using one of three 1950’s skirt patterns that can be worn with or without a petticoat (Simplicity 8446, 8458, 8250), we will help you make a skirt perfect for Dapper Day, Disney Bounding or just a great day skirt. This skirt is cut from full gores which mean there is very little fullness at the waist but a very full hemline. So flattering for everyone!
Class time: 1 session 7 hours including a lunch break. It is suggested you either bring a sack lunch or visit one of the many wonderful restaurants within walking distance.
Maximum class size: 6 people
Supplies needed: 2 5/8 yards of 45” wide fabric or 2 1/2 yards of 60” wide fabric, (We recommend a cotton blend, linen, linen like, soft wool or if you want to make a traditional “poodle skirt”, you will need 2 1/8 yards of 72” wide felt along with matching thread, a 9 inch regular zipper and a basic sewing kit of fabric shears, seam ripper, pins and chalk. Interfacing and pattern options provided.
Prerequisites: Introduction to the Sewing Machine or the ability to thread a sewing machine and sew a straight line.
Fee: $75.00